Commercial Pilot Services

Do you need a pilot for your aircraft? I’m happy to help you operate your airplane.

In addition to acting as your “hired gun” pilot, I can:

For Passengers

See John S. Denker’s Hints and Suggestions for Passengers in Light Aircraft.

Important Regulatory Limits

In the view of the FAA, there is a huge difference between a commercial pilot and a commercial operator. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion about this.

I’m offering pilot services here. A commercial pilot can, for hire, fly someone’s aircraft. Commercial pilots can’t act as a mini-airline or as a charter service. That is considered operating as a commercial operator or even an air carrier. That’s a “whole other ball game” from a regulatory point of view. Basically, it’s within the regulations for me to fly for hire in a situation where someone else supplies the aircraft.

Another consideration is whether flying the aircraft itself is a business or not. If so, then you’ll need a operating certificate or air carrier certificate from the FAA. Examples of operations that do not require this are flying your aircraft or your company’s aircraft for your personal purposes or company-internal purposes. For details, see FAR Part 119.

The list above contains examples of what I can do for you. (We’d need to discuss the details to be certain.)

The “regs” are complex, so give me a call at [Click here for telephone number] or send an e-mail message to [Click here for e-mail address], and we’ll work together to figure out the right thing to do.